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ROS Discourse General: ROS News for the Week of April 29th, 2024

ROS News for the Week of April 29th, 2024

We kicked off the Jazzy Tutorial Party this week. Please grab a ticket and take Jazzy for a spin. We’ll get the logo out just as soon as we can.

I am planning to be in Chicago next week for Automate. I’ve put together a ROS Meetup in Chicago for next Wednesday. We would love to see you there.

BONUS MEETUP! After Automate I am heading to Pittsburgh for PyCon. I’ve put together a ROS Meetup in Pittsburgh at Gecko Robotics on May 16th.

I have been in Montreal all week for a ROS Meetup and Open Hardware Summit. Here are few snap shots from the trip. We’ve had a bunch of great robotics talks at Open Hardware Summit including one on robotics education for native communities (including robots endangered language education) and another on designing wearable robotics with Jorvon Moss. They should be on the livestream if you are interested in watching.




Got a Minute?

Please take some time to answer a question on Robotics Stack Exchange.

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[WWW] https://discourse.ros.org/t/ros-news-for-the-week-of-april-29th-2024/37541

ROS Discourse General: Jazzy Jalisco Testing & Tutorial Kickoff Party / Instructions

Hi Everyone,

As mentioned previously, we’re conducting a testing and tutorial party for the next ROS release, Jazzy Jalisco. If you happened to miss the kickoff of the Jazzy Jalisco Testing and Tutorial party (video) this morning I have put together some written instructions that should let everyone, no matter their time zone, participate.


We need your help to test the next ROS Distro before its release on 5/23/2024. We’re asking the community to pick a particular system setup, that is to say a combination of host operating system, CPU architecture, RMW vendor, and build type (source, debian, binary), and run through a set of ROS tutorials to make sure everything is working smoothly. Depending on the outcome of your tutorials you can either close the ticket or report the errors you found. If you can’t assign the ticket to yourself leave a comment and an admin will take care of it for you. Please do not sign up for more than one ticket at any given time. Everything you need to know about this process to know can be found in this Github repository.

As a thank you for your help we’re planning to provide the top twenty people who contribute to the testing repository with ROS Jazzy swag (the Jazzy swag sale should go live tomorrow, May 2nd). To be eligible to receive swag you must register using this short Google Form so we can match e-mail addresses to Github user names and count the total tickets closed.

On top of that, this year we’re also offering a free Sponsoring Individual membership in the OSRA to the top three people who contribute as part of this event. The membership will last until the end of 2024 and will provide all the benefits received by the paying Sponsoring Individual members. This is a great way to start getting involved in the OSRA and in the governance of the OSRF’s projects.

The testing and tutorial party will close on May 15, 2024 , but we’re asking everyone to get started right away!

Full Instructions

We’re planning to release ROS 2 Jazzy Jalisco on May 23, 2024 and we need the community’s help to make sure that we’ve thoroughly tested the distro on a variety of platforms before we make the final release. What do we mean by testing? Well, lots of things, but in the context of the testing and tutorial party we are talking about the package-level ROS unit tests and anything else you want to test. What do we mean by tutorials? We also want to make sure all our ROS tutorials are in working order before the release.

The difficulty in testing a ROS release is that people have lots of different ways they use ROS, and we can’t possibly test all of those combinations. For the testing and tutorial party we have created what we call, “a setup.” A setup is a combination of:

If you already have a particular system setup that you work with, we suggest that you roll with that, otherwise feel free to create a new system setup just for testing purposes. If you normally use Windows or RHEL (or binary compatible distributions to RHEL like Rocky Linux / Alma Linux) we would really appreciate your help as we don’t have a ton of internal resources to test these distributions.

Here are the steps for participating in the testing and tutorial party:

  1. First go to the Tutorial Party Github repo and read the README.md.

  2. Figure out your setup!

  3. Note your computer’s host operating system (either Ubuntu Nobel, Windows, or RHEL-9)

  4. Note your chipset, either AMD64 or ARM64, if you don’t know it is probably AMD64.

  5. Note your installed DDS Vendor (this varies by host OS).

  6. Figure out how you want to install the ROS Jazzy Jalisco Beta, your options are:

1. [Binaries](https://docs.ros.org/en/jazzy/Installation.html)
2. Debian installation
3. [Source installation](https://docs.ros.org/en/jazzy/Installation/Alternatives/Ubuntu-Development-Setup.html)
  1. Once you’ve got your “setup” all figured out take a look at the open tickets in the tutorial repo (at the bottom of the page). There should be a set of tickets for your “setup”. Click on the links and review the available tickets. If you want to test something other than the available tickets, feel free to open a new ticket and describe exactly what you are testing.
  2. Pick a single ticket for your setup and use the assignees option to assign it to yourself. If you can’t assign yourself, leave a comment and an admin will assign the ticket to you
  3. Take a look at the ticket and do as it asks in the “Links” section. For example, in this ticket, its links section points you to this tutorial. You should use your new ROS Jazzy Jalisco setup to run through that tutorial.
  4. Once you complete the links section things will either go smoothly or you will run into problems. Please indicate the results using the check boxes in the “Checks” section of your Github issue.
  5. If everything goes well, note as such in your ticket’s comment section. We ask that you attach your terminal’s output as a code block or as a gist file. At this point feel free to close the ticket by clicking “close as completed.”
  6. If something went poorly, also note it in your ticket’s comment section. Please include a full stack trace or other debug output if possible.
  7. Please fill out the Google form for your first issue so we have your contact information.

If you run into issues please feel free to post them to our discussion board on Github. The testing and tutorial party wraps up on May 15, 2024 , but we’re asking everyone to get started early as we will need some lead time to address any bugs.

Happy testing and thanks for all your help! If you have any questions please include them in the comments.

New: Extra Testing Tools

Thanks to a lot of hard work from folks like @sloretz, @peci1, and @robwoolley this year we’re piloting a couple of new features to expand our testing repertoire. These new testing resources should make Jazzy one of the easiest ROS distros to test ever, and let ROS users dip their toes into Jazzy with a lot less work.

As discussed a few months ago, Shane and Martin have worked hard to create ROS Open Container Initiative (OCI) Docker Images for all supported ROS distros. These unofficial OCI Docker images already have a beta version of Jazzy Jalisco ready to go.

Try ROS Jazzy out on your machine by running:

docker run --rm=true -ti ghcr.io/sloretz/ros-testing:jazzy-desktop bash

The images are updated once per day at UTC midnight. Keep your copy up to date by running:

docker pull ghcr.io/sloretz/ros-testing:jazzy-desktop

We encourage you to use these containers to participate in the T&T Party, or to test Jazzy with your existing ROS project. The official docker images will be available shortly after the Jazzy release.

If you run into issues with Jazzy while using these images or containers to test your personal codebase please use our Jazzy issue tracker to report them.

15 posts - 6 participants

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[WWW] https://discourse.ros.org/t/jazzy-jalisco-testing-tutorial-kickoff-party-instructions/37501

ROS Discourse General: State of Cloud Robotics – Survey

If you’ve worked with robotic fleets in production, please contribute to our working group’s effort of identifying the needs and best-practices by filling out our State of Cloud Robotics Survey. Your input will influence future directions of open-source tools that can help us all! And yes, the results will be shared here and you can also leave your email address at the end of the survey if you want to be notified. Thanks. :pray:

This has been posted in another thread as part of a different announcement, but I believe many people may have missed it there and I think it deserves its own topic. Feedback and comments about this survey are welcome!

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[WWW] https://discourse.ros.org/t/state-of-cloud-robotics-survey/37488

ROS Discourse General: Jazzy Pre-release is ready for the Tutorial Party!

Hi everyone!

The jazzy pre-release is complete! :tada:. This means that at this point we have:

Reminder that the tutorial party is starting on 2024-05-01T07:00:00Z UTC with the Tutorial & Testing Party Hangout + Q&A you can find all the details in this post.

See you all at the party! :rolling: :partying_face: :piñata:

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[WWW] https://discourse.ros.org/t/jazzy-pre-release-is-ready-for-the-tutorial-party/37472

ROS Discourse General: Cloud Robotics WG Next Meeting & Survey Released

Last meeting we continued to build our questionnaire - I will update this thread with the link to the recording once I’ve uploaded it.

Next meeting will be 2024-05-06T17:00:00Z UTC2024-05-06T18:00:00Z UTC, where we plan to discuss responses to our State of Cloud Robotics survey, if there are any. We will also discuss other ways to gather data.

The survey created by the group is now available here: https://forms.gle/tMBS9fhxjhqdGykg7

I have created a LinkedIn post asking people to fill it out: Michael Hart on LinkedIn: Cloud Robotics Working Group - State of Cloud Robotics Survey

If you’re able to, please share the LinkedIn post! Also, if you know of other websites that would be a good place to post the survey, please do so and link it in this thread.

1 post - 1 participant

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[WWW] https://discourse.ros.org/t/cloud-robotics-wg-next-meeting-survey-released/37460

ROS Discourse General: Interoperability Interest Group May 2, 2024: Sneak Peek of Next Generation Open-RMF

Community Page

Meeting Link

Calendar Link

The current implementation of Open-RMF has proven to be a valuable proof of concept for enabling heterogeneous fleets of robots to operate in shared spaces and with shared infrastructure. Now with the benefit of lessons learned from numerous trial deployments, we are looking towards a reimplementation to increase the scope, scale, capabilities, reliability, and ease of use that Open-RMF provides to its users. The next session of the interoperability group will reveal the new software architecture that’s planned to tackle all these needs at the same time.

Beyond improving the design and implementation of Open-RMF, our architectural plans may be of interest to developers that need to deal with interoperability in general. We’ll be explaining how our choices will enable high performance, highly-concurrent (parallel/multithreaded), memory safe, bug-free code that can tie together disparate systems with a high degree of modularity.

The key themes will be to take advantage of a high performance Entity-Component-System framework (specifically Bevy) and a service-driven architecture to create an SDK that has a broad and flexible surface area, in stark contrast to the design choice of having a very narrow and rigid API take by the current Open-RMF. We’ll talk about the trade-offs of these choices and why we’ve decided to make such a sharp pivot.

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[WWW] https://discourse.ros.org/t/interoperability-interest-group-may-2-2024-sneak-peek-of-next-generation-open-rmf/37454

ROS Discourse General: Announcing the ROS Medical community group

Are you using ROS in a medical context?

You’re not alone! There was a great turnout at the medical birds of a feather at ROSCon last year- let’s not wait so long to get together again.

The ROS medical community group will be meeting May 15th. We’ll be triaging the discussions, presentations and collaborations that will be most valuable to the community moving forward. Sign up to this mailing list to receive the calendar invite.

In the meantime, let’s get some intros going.

To the extent that you can share,

I’ll go first:

Who are you? (As an individual or organisation)
I’m Deanna Hood, robotics engineer and former ROS 2 core developer. I’ve worked on lots of different robotics applications in the 10y since my MSc, which is partly how I ended up Australian Young Engineer of the Year (go robots!). In the scope of medical, I used to lead robotics for an early stage surgical robot for regenerative wound treatment (aka skin-printing robot), and now am relieved to be in diagnostics :sweat_smile:

What are you working on?
I’m currently helping Vexev make the first robotic tomographic ultrasound for artery scanning, which is needed for dialysis treatment/ cardiovascular disease prevention :muscle:

What platform do you use?
I worked with KUKA LBR Med for a few years for the skin-printing robot and now use the custom arm/manipulator developed at Vexev.

What are your plans/goals with ROS?
Ambitious :nerd_face:

What libraries are you implementing that could be useful to others?
Interface package for standardised ultrasound messages, eg BMode, Doppler, IQ, RF data. Robotics safety architecture for mitigating risk of SOUP.

What experience do you have that could be useful to the community?
For a while I was the resident Australian expert on the LBR Med! And from my years on the ROS 2 core team I know my way around the ros2 code base and DDS integration better than the average robotics engineer (:smiling_face:).

How about you?!

6 posts - 5 participants

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[WWW] https://discourse.ros.org/t/announcing-the-ros-medical-community-group/37451

ROS Discourse General: Move of Nav2 and MoveIt repositories at GitHub

With the recent launch of the OSRA, the OSRF is spending some time reorganising and cleaning up the various GitHub organisations and repositories that it manages. This is being done both to streamline the management of the open source projects (particularly permissions management, which is currently mostly manual, and very fragile), and to ensure there is no confusion about what is and what is not managed by the OSRF through the OSRA’s governance processes.

Two such projects that are well-known in our community but are not managed by the OSRF are MoveIt (maintainer: PickNik) and Nav2 (maintainer: Open Navigation).

As part of this clarification, the following changes will happen for each project, implemented over the next few days.



We look forward to working with PickNik and Open Navigation long into the future and seeing them continue to use ROS and their projects to revolutionise robotics applications.

23 posts - 14 participants

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[WWW] https://discourse.ros.org/t/move-of-nav2-and-moveit-repositories-at-github/37450

ROS Discourse General: ROS2: Mapping and Navigation with AgileX Limo ROS2

ROS2: Mapping and Navigation with Limo ROS2 :clap:
Limo is a smart educational robot published by AgileX Robotics. More details please visit: https://global.agilex.ai/

Four steering modes make LIMO substantially superior to other robots in its class. The available modes are: Omni-Wheel Steering, Tracked Steering, Four-Wheel Differential Steering and Ackermann Steering. These advanced steering modes plus a built-in 360° scanning LiDAR and RealSense infrared camera make the platform perfect for industrial and commercial tasks in any scenario. With these incredible features, LIMO can achieve precise self-localization, SLAM mapping, route planning and autonomous obstacle avoidance, reverse parking, traffic light recognition, and more.

Now we can experience Limo in ROS2!

Lidar Mapping



Cartographer is a set of SLAM algorithms based on image optimization launched by Google. The main goal of this algorithm is to achieve low computing resource consumption and achieve the purpose of real-time SLAM. The algorithm is mainly divided into two parts. The first part is called Local SLAM. This part establishes and maintains a series of Submaps through each frame of the Laser Scan, and the so-called submap is a series of Grid Maps. The second part called Global SLAM, is to perform closed-loop detection through Loop Closure to eliminate accumulated errors: when a submap is built, no new laser scans will be inserted into the submap. The algorithm will add the submap to the closed-loop detection.

How to operate:

Note: Before running the command, please make sure that the programs in other terminals have been terminated. The termination command is: Ctrl+c.

Note: The speed of limo should be slow in the process of mapping. If the speed is too fast, the effect of mapping will be affected.

First, start the LiDAR. Launch a new terminal and enter the command:

ros2 launch limo_bringup limo_start.launch.py

Then start the cartographer mapping algorithm. Open another new terminal and enter the command:

ros2 launch limo_bringup limo_cartographer.launch.py

After launching successfully, the rviz visualization interface will be shown in the figure below:

After building the map, it is necessary to save it. Three following commands need to be entered in the terminal:

ros2 run nav2_map_server map_saver_cli -f map

Lidar navigation

use the map just built to navigate.

Navigation framework

The key to navigation is robot positioning and path planning. For these, ROS provides the following two packages.

(1)move_base:achieve the optimal path planning in robot navigation.

(2)amcl:achieve robot positioning in a two-dimensional map.

On the basis of the above two packages, ROS provides a complete navigation framework.

The robot only needs to publish the necessary sensor information and navigation goal position, and ROS can complete the navigation function. In this framework, the move_base package provides the main operation and interactive interface of navigation. In order to ensure the accuracy of the navigation path, the robot also needs to accurately locate its own position. This part of the function is implemented by the amcl package.

Move_base package

Move_base is a package for path planning in ROS, which is mainly composed of the following two planners.

(1) Global path planning (global_planner). Global path planning is to plan the overall path according to a given goal position and global map. In navigation, Dijkstra or A* algorithm is used for global path planning, and the optimal route from the robot to the goal position is calculated as the robot’s global path.

(2) Local real-time planning (local_planner). In practice, robots often cannot strictly follow the global path. So it is necessary to plan the path that the robot should travel in each cycle according to the map information and obstacles that may appear near the robot at any time. So that it conforms to the global optimal path as much as possible.

Amcl package

Autonomous positioning means that the robot can calculate its position on the map in any state. ROS provides developers with an adaptive (or kld sampling) Monte Carlo localization (amcl), which is a probabilistic positioning system that locates mobile robots in 2D. It implements an adaptive (or KLD-sampling) Monte Carlo localization, using particle filtering to track the pose of the robot on a known map.

Introduction of DWA_planner and TEB_planner


The full name of DWA is Dynamic Window Approaches. The algorithm can search for multiple paths to avoid and travel, select the optimal path based on various evaluation criteria (whether it will hit an obstacle, the time required, etc.), and calculate the linear velocity and angular velocity during the driving cycle to avoid collisions with dynamic obstacles.


The full name of “TEB” is Time Elastic Band Local Planner. This method performs subsequent modifications to the initial trajectory generated by the global path planner to optimize the robot’s motion trajectory. It falls under the category of local path planning. During the trajectory optimization process, the algorithm takes into account various optimization goals, which include but are not limited to minimizing overall path length, optimizing trajectory execution time, ensuring a safe distance from obstacles, passing through intermediate path points, and complying with the robot’s dynamics, kinematics, and geometric constraints. The “TEB method” explicitly considers the dynamic constraints of time and space during the robot’s motion. For instance, it considers limitations on the robot’s velocity and acceleration.

Limo navigation

Note: In the four-wheel differential mode, the omnidirectional wheel mode and the track mode, the file run for the navigation is the same.

Note: Before running the command, please make sure that the programs in other terminals have been terminated. The termination command is: Ctrl+c.

(1)First launch the LiDAR and enter the command in the terminal::

ros2 launch limo_bringup limo_start.launch.py

(2)Launch the navigation and enter the command in the terminal:

ros2 launch limo_bringup limo_nav2.launch.py

Note: If it is Ackermann motion mode, please run:

ros2 launch limo_bringup limo_navigation_ackerman.launch

After launching successfully, the rviz interface will be shown in the figure below:

Note: If you need to customize the opened map, please open the limo_navigation_diff.launch file to modify the parameters. The file directory is: ~/agilex_ws/src/limo_ros/limo_bringup/launch. Please modify map02 to the name of the map that needs to be replaced.

(3) After launching the navigation, it may be observed that the laser-scanned shape does not align with the map, requiring manual correction. To rectify this, adjust the actual position of the chassis in the scene displayed on the rviz map.

Use the rviz tools to designate an approximate position for the vehicle, providing it with a preliminary estimation. Subsequently, use the handle tool to remotely rotate the vehicle until automatic alignment is achieved. Once the laser shape overlaps with the scene shape on the map, the correction process is concluded. The operational steps are outlined as follows:

The correction is completed:

(4) Set the navigation goal point through 2D Nav Goal.

A purple path will be generated on the map. Switch the handle to command mode, and Limo will automatically navigate to the goal point.

(5) Multi-point navigation

Click the button in the red box to enter multi-point navigation mode.

Click Nav2 Goal and add points on the map. After adding points, click the button in the red box to start navigation

#Visual mapping

Introduction and use of ORBBEC®Dabai

ORBBEC®Dabai is a depth camera based on binocular structured light 3D imaging technology. It mainly includes a left infrared camera (IR camera1), a right infrared camera (IR camera2), an IR projector, and a depth processor. The IR projector is used to project the structured light pattern (speckle pattern) to the goal scene, the left infrared camera and the right infrared camera respectively collect the left infrared structured light image and the right infrared structured light image of the goal, and the depth processor executes the depth calculation algorithm and outputs the depth image of the goal scene after receiving the left infrared structured light image and the right infrared structured light image.

Parameter name Parameter index
The distance between the imaging centers of the left and right infrared cameras 40mm
Depth distance 0.3-3m
Power consumption The average power consumption of the whole machine <2W;
The peak value at the moment the laser is turned on <5W (duration: 3ms);
Typical standby power consumption <0.7W.
Depth map resolution 640X400@30FPS
Color map resolution 1920X1080@30FPS
Accuracy 6mm@1m (81% FOV area participates in accuracy calculation*)
Depth FOV H 67.9° V 45.3°
Color FOV H 71° V43.7° @1920X1080
Delay 30-45ms
Data transmission USB2.0 or above
Supported operating system Android / Linux / Windows7/10
Power supply mode USB
Operating temperature 10°C ~ 40°C
Applicable scene Indoor / outdoor (specifically subject to application scenes and related algorithm requirements)
Dustproof and waterproof Basic dustproof
Safety Class1 laser
Dimensions (mm) Length 59.6 X width 17.4 X thickness 11.1mm

After knowing the basic parameters of ORBBEC®Dabai, start to practice:

Note: Before running the command, please make sure that the programs in other terminals have been terminated. The termination command is: Ctrl+c

First ,start the ORBBEC®Dabai camera. Run the following command:

ros2 launch astra_camera dabai.launch.py

Open rqt_image_view:

ros2 run rqt_image_view rqt_image_view

Introduction of rtabmap algorithm

RTAB-Map (Real-Time Appearance-Based Mapping) is an algorithm for Simultaneous Localization and Mapping (SLAM) that aims to achieve a balance between real-time performance and map quality. RTAB-Map is a graph-based SLAM system that can build dense 3D maps at runtime (real-time).

Some of the key features and components of RTAB-Map are as follows:

  1. Real-time Performance: RTAB-Map is specifically designed to operate in real-time applications, such as robot navigation and augmented reality systems. It employs an algorithm that minimizes computational requirements while achieving fast and accurate map construction and positioning, even with limited computing resources.
  2. Feature-based SLAM: RTAB-Map utilizes visual and inertial sensor data to perform feature matching. It extracts key points and descriptors from consecutive frames to enable simultaneous localization and mapping (SLAM), even without precise motion models. This feature allows for robust mapping and localization in dynamic environments.
  3. Environment Awareness: RTAB-Map incorporates environment awareness techniques to enhance map quality. It takes into account depth information, parallax, and other environmental factors, which is particularly beneficial in scenarios with less texture or repetitive structures. This improves the reliability and accuracy of the generated maps.
  4. Loop Detection and Closed-loop Optimization: RTAB-Map includes loop detection mechanisms to identify previously visited areas within the map. It then employs optimization techniques to correct previous trajectories and maps based on the loop closure information. This ensures consistency in the map representation and reduces errors over time.
  5. RGB-D Sensor Support: RTAB-Map provides direct support for RGB-D sensors, such as the Microsoft Kinect. By utilizing depth information from these sensors, RTAB-Map enhances the accuracy and density of the generated maps. This support for RGB-D sensors enables more detailed and comprehensive mapping capabilities.

How to achieve Rtabmap algorithm with Limo ROS2

Note: Before running the command, please make sure that the programs in other terminals have been terminated. The termination command is: Ctrl+c.

Note: The speed of limo should be low in the process of mapping. If it is too fast, the effect of mapping will be affected.

(1)First launch the LiDAR. Enter the command in the terminal:

ros2 launch limo_bringup limo_start.launch.py

(2)Launch the camera. Enter the command in the terminal:

ros2 launch astra_camera dabai.launch.py

(3)Launch the mapping mode of the rtabmap algorithm. Enter the command in the terminal:

ros2 launch limo_bringup limo_rtab_rgbd.launch.py

After building the map, the program can be terminated directly. The built map will be automatically saved in the main directory as a .ros file named rtabmap.db. The .ros folder is hidden and can be displayed using the Ctrl+h command.

Rtabmap algorithm navigation

Note: Before running the command, please make sure that the programs in other terminals have been terminated. The termination command is: Ctrl+c.

(1)First launch the LiDAR. Enter the command in the terminal:

ros2 launch limo_bringup limo_start.launch.py

(2)Launch the camera. Enter the command in the terminal:

ros2 launch astra_camera dabai.launch.py

(3)Start the mapping mode of rtabmap algorithm. Enter the command in the terminal:

ros2 launch limo_bringup limo_rtab_rgbd.launch.py localization:=true

(4)Start the navigation algorithm. Enter the command in the terminal:

ros2 launch limo_bringup limo_rtab_nav2.launch.py 

Visual navigation

Rtabmap algorithm navigation

Note: Before running the command, please make sure that the programs in other terminals have been terminated. The termination command is: Ctrl+c.

(1)First launch the LiDAR. Enter the command in the terminal:

ros2 launch limo_bringup limo_start.launch.py

(2)Launch the camera. Enter the command in the terminal:

ros2 launch astra_camera dabai.launch.py

(3)Start the mapping mode of rtabmap algorithm. Enter the command in the terminal:

ros2 launch limo_bringup limo_rtab_rgbd.launch.py localization:=true

(4)Start the navigation algorithm. Enter the command in the terminal:

ros2 launch limo_bringup limo_rtab_nav2.launch.py 

(5)Because visual positioning is used, there is no need for calibration when using rtabmap navigation. Users can directly start setting the target points and proceed with navigation. The operational steps are shown in the figure.

A green path will be generated in the map. Switch the handle to command mode, and Limo will automatically navigate to the goal point.

1 post - 1 participant

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[WWW] https://discourse.ros.org/t/ros2-mapping-and-navigation-with-agilex-limo-ros2/37439

ROS Discourse General: Arab Meetup: Embracing the Future with Robotics 2.0

We’re thrilled to announce our next speaker for the Arabian Robotics and ROS Meetup!🦾

We’re excited to welcome Dr. Haitham Bou-Ammar, a renowned expert to our upcoming meetup.🌟

Dr. Haitham Bou-Ammar will be presenting on towards Robotics 2.0🚀

The next generation of robotics (Towards Robotics 2.0) represents a transformative leap in technology, blending advanced AI, sophisticated sensors, autonomous capabilities, and ethical considerations to create intelligent, collaborative, and responsible robotic systems to enhance human life and productivity while addressing societal challenges.

Dr. Haitham Bou-Ammar is:
�� Reinforcement Learning Team Leader.
�� Bayesian Optimisation Team Leader.
�� Multi-Agent Systems Team Leader at Huawei London Research Centre.
�� Assistant Professor at University College London. Tech Advisor at Sanome Ltd.

Whether you’re a seasoned roboticist or just starting with ROS, this meetup is not to be missed!👌�

Here are the details ⬇�
🔴 Date: Monday-29 April
🔴 Time: (8 PM - Cairo) (8 PM - KSA) (9 PM Dubai)
🔴 Workshop Link: https://meet.google.com/ecu-cseq-hhv
🔴 YouTube Channel : https://buff.ly/3vzpYDw

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[WWW] https://discourse.ros.org/t/arab-meetup-embracing-the-future-with-robotics-2-0/37427

ROS Discourse General: ROS2 NanoOWL for Open-vocabulary object detection using NanoOWL

Presenting ROS2 NanoOWL - a ROS 2 node for open-vocabulary object detection using NanoOWL. NanoOWL optimizes OWL-ViT to run real-time on NVIDIA Jetson Orin using TensorRT.


Check out our Isaac SIM Jetson HIL Course Doc to learn how to use ROS2 NanoOWL with Isaac Sim. This course has information on setting up Isaac Sim, running Isaac ROS on NVIDIA Jetson and testing a simulated robot with Hardware-in-the-loop.

Visit ROS2 NanoOWL on GitHub to learn more!

1 post - 1 participant

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[WWW] https://discourse.ros.org/t/ros2-nanoowl-for-open-vocabulary-object-detection-using-nanoowl/37415

ROS Discourse General: ROS News for the Week of April 22nd, 2024

ROS News for the Week of April 22nd, 2024

I am flying to Montreal tomorrow to help organize the 2024 Open Hardware Summit. I worked with our friends at Clearpath Robotics and Quebec Artificial Intelligence Institute (MILA) to organize a ROS meetup in Montreal. I would love to see you if you are in the area! Please help us spread the word!

Our Jazzy Test and Tutorial Party is next Wednesday, May 1st at 9am PST!. The kickoff meeting is on the ROS Events Calendar or you can use this link.

We have a planned a ROS Meetup at Automate in Chicago on May 8th

With the Jazzy release imminent it is time to name the next ROS release. Get your K turtle name ideas in as soon as possible. (Image probably generated by AI with prompting by @adamdbrw)

Check out the HelMoRo an open software, open hardware, ROS robot designed by Helbling Technik in Zurich.




Got a Minute?

Please take a moment to help out your fellow ROS users by answering a question on Robotics Stack Exchange

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[WWW] https://discourse.ros.org/t/ros-news-for-the-week-of-april-22nd-2024/37414

ROS Discourse General: Cloud Robotics Tutorial at ICRA 2024 (Sign Up to Attend)

Sign up to attend our tutorial at ICRA 2024 on May 17: Cloud and Fog Robotics: A Hands-on Tutorial with ROS2 and FogROS2!

This tutorial will be led by academia & industry leaders.

Please sign up and see more information on our website here.

Cloud and fog robotics empower resource-limited robots to execute computationally intensive tasks like deep learning. This tutorial covers cutting-edge methods and applications, incorporating insights from academia researchers and industry experts. It presents a full hands-on experience for both those who want to develop their first cloud robotics application and experienced practitioners interested in discussing the usability challenges of the field.

Kaiyuan Chen @KeplerC (UC Berkeley) (Primary Contact)
Jeffrey Ichnowski @jeffi (CMU)
Simeon Adebola @SimeonOA (UC Berkeley)
Trinity Chung (UC Berkeley)
Florian T Pokorny (KTH)
John Kubiatowicz (UC Berkeley)
Ken Goldberg (UC Berkeley)

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[WWW] https://discourse.ros.org/t/cloud-robotics-tutorial-at-icra-2024-sign-up-to-attend/37395

ROS Discourse General: Arabian Robotics and ROS Meetup

:rocket: Dive into ROS with our 5-Day Workshop! :robot:

Embark on a comprehensive journey into Robot Operating System (ROS) through our immersive 5-day workshop. Whether you’re new to ROS or looking to deepen your understanding, this workshop will cover everything from the basics to advanced concepts, ensuring you’re equipped to navigate ROS effectively.

:date: Workshop Agenda:

Day 1: Introduction to ROS :

Day 2: Basic ROS Commands and Tools :

Day 3: ROS Messages and Topics :

Day 4: ROS Services and Actions :

Day 5: ROS Launch Files and Bag :

Join us on this educational journey as we dive deep into ROS and empower you to leverage its capabilities for your robotics projects!

:link: Stay updated by following our page, commenting below, and subscribing to our YouTube channel:

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[WWW] https://discourse.ros.org/t/arabian-robotics-and-ros-meetup/37383

ROS Discourse General: ROS 2 K Name Brainstorming

The release date for ROS 2 Jazzy Jalisco is now just one month away. As we traditionally announce the name of the following distribution when a new distribution is released, it’s time to begin namestorming the name for the next release after Jazzy Jalisco.

Following our ancient traditions, the next ROS 2 release name will be an adjective starting with K followed by a turtle-related word or name, also starting with K.

Here are the existing ROS 2 names and code names.

And here are the ROS 1 names and code names.

To get your namestorming going, here are some useful lists.

For reference, here is the namestorming thread for ROS 1 Kinetic Kame.

Please share your suggestions and comments. There are no rules to this part of the process so be creative!

77 posts - 65 participants

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[WWW] https://discourse.ros.org/t/ros-2-k-name-brainstorming/37321

ROS Discourse General: Patch Release 5 and New Packages for Iron Irwini 2024-04-23

We’re happy to announce the latest ROS 2 Iron Irwini release :iron: :irwini: :tada:

The latest sync brings 20 new packages and 281 updates to ROS 2 Iron Irwini. This sync was tagged as iron/2024-04-23 .

Package Updates for iron

Added Packages [20]:

Updated Packages [281]:

Removed Packages [6]:

Thanks to all ROS maintainers who make packages available to the ROS community. The above list of packages was made possible by the work of the following maintainers:

2 posts - 2 participants

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[WWW] https://discourse.ros.org/t/patch-release-5-and-new-packages-for-iron-irwini-2024-04-23/37316

ROS Discourse General: Nav2-keepout-zone-map-creator: a tool that allows you to create a Keepout Zone map from an Occupancy Grid Map and 3D point cloud

I have just released the initial version of nav2-keepout-zone-map-creator.

nav2-keepout-zone-map-creator is a tool that allows you to create a keepout zone map from an Occupancy Grid Map and 3D point cloud.


I hope this is useful for the community. Any questions, comments, and suggestions are welcome!

3 posts - 3 participants

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[WWW] https://discourse.ros.org/t/nav2-keepout-zone-map-creator-a-tool-that-allows-you-to-create-a-keepout-zone-map-from-an-occupancy-grid-map-and-3d-point-cloud/37314

ROS Discourse General: ROS 2 Client Library Working Group [Update]


in March, we restarted the client library working group after users requests: Revival of client library working group?

Since then, the group met every week.
The focus of the group has been on PR reviews to prepare for the ROS 2 Jazzy feature freeze.

I really want to thank everyone who joined and helped us for their contributions, in particular @JM_ROS for his huge work.

Now, I would like to keep the effort going.
I plan to host the meeting every two weeks.
The purpose of meetings can vary: if you have questions, doubts or proposals concerning the ROS 2 client libraries (e.g. rclcpp, rcl, rclpy, etc) feel free to join and discuss it with the group!

The next meeting will be on Friday 3 May 2024 at 8AM Pacific Time.
Meeting Link: https://meet.google.com/oij-atzj-znw
Meeting agenda: ROS 2 Client Libraries Working Group - Google Docs

If there’s interest in a different meeting time, please let me know here.
We can have two different times and switch between them.

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[WWW] https://discourse.ros.org/t/ros-2-client-library-working-group-update/37307

ROS Discourse General: ROS News for the Week of April 15th, 2024

ROS News for the Week of April 15th, 2024

The ROS 2 Jazzy Jalsico Test and Tutorial Party is scheduled for 2024-05-01. Come help us test Jazzy and potentially get yourself some ROS swag.

I am planning a ROS Meetup at Automate Chicago on 2024-05-01. If you are going to be at Automate, or live in the Chicagoland area, we would love to see you there! (FYI: walking the floor at Automate is free! If you are in the area I would encourage you to drop by).

We now have a rudimentary ROS 2 Driver for Unitree quadrupeds. I believe this is available as a binary package in Humble now.

@DLu added a guide to the docs.ros.org on how to build a custom RViz display. I took a moment to add more pointers to the API and package documentation. If you have a minute please consider sending us a documentation pull request. The ROS documentation isn’t going to write itself!




Got a minute?

Consider writing a tutorial for docs.ros.org! We would love your contributions.

2 posts - 1 participant

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[WWW] https://discourse.ros.org/t/ros-news-for-the-week-of-april-15th-2024/37275

ROS Discourse General: New packages for Humble Hawksbill 2024-04-18

Package Updates for Humble

Added Packages [42]:

Updated Packages [349]:

Removed Packages [1]:

Thanks to all ROS maintainers who make packages available to the ROS community. The above list of packages was made possible by the work of the following maintainers:

1 post - 1 participant

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[WWW] https://discourse.ros.org/t/new-packages-for-humble-hawksbill-2024-04-18/37272

ROS Discourse General: New packages for ROS 2 Rolling Ridley 2024-04-17

We’re happy to announce another sync into Rolling. This is the last Rolling sync before we branch off for Jazzy. This sync has been tagged as rolling/2024-04-17.

Package Updates for rolling

Added Packages [273]:

Updated Packages [622]:

Removed Packages [24]:

Thanks to all ROS maintainers who make packages available to the ROS community. The above list of packages was made possible by the work of the following maintainers:

4 posts - 2 participants

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[WWW] https://discourse.ros.org/t/new-packages-for-ros-2-rolling-ridley-2024-04-17/37252

ROS Discourse General: Arab Meetup

Exciting news! We’re gearing up for our fourth session of the first workshop, and it’s all about diving into the world of Git and Vscode. :rocket:

✅Version Control (GIT): Learn how to effectively track and manage changes in your robot project using Git.

▶Git’s data model: Understand the graphical data model of Git and how it operates.

â–¶Git command-line interface Basics: Master the basics of using Git via the command line.

â–¶Branching and merging: Explore the processes of branching and merging in Git.

â–¶Remotes: Get acquainted with remote repositories and how to interact with them in Git.

â–¶Undo: Learn the commands for undoing changes in Git.

✅VSCode: Install and utilize the popular development environment VSCode for advanced robot programming.

â–¶Install VScode using terminal: Step-by-step guide on installing VSCode using the terminal.

▶VSCode important extensions (ros, urdf, …): Discover key extensions in VSCode relevant to robot programming.

â–¶GitHub on VSCode: Harness the power of GitHub directly within VSCode.

â–¶Shortcuts for text editing: Handy shortcuts for faster and more efficient text editing in VSCode.

💡You can find the meeting link here:

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[WWW] https://discourse.ros.org/t/arab-meetup/37242

ROS Discourse General: New Tutorial: Creating Custom RViz Displays

Hey ROStronauts,
Here’s a new tutorial on How to Build a Custom RViz Display!

You can use this tutorial to display new types of ROS Messages in RViz, which I’ve used in the polygon_ros repo, or for useless things like the snowbot_operating_system

If you have any issues, open them on the Github repo: GitHub - MetroRobots/rviz_plugin_tutorial: A tutorial on how to make rviz plugins


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[WWW] https://discourse.ros.org/t/new-tutorial-creating-custom-rviz-displays/37225

ROS Discourse General: SAVE THE DATE: Jazzy Jalisco Testing and Tutorial Party 2024-05-01

SAVE THE DATE: Jazzy Jalisco Testing and Tutorial Party, 2024-05-01T16:00:00Z UTC

As many of you are already aware, the ROS Jazzy Jalisco release is just around the corner: 2024-05-23T18:00:00Z UTC, to be exact! We want this to be our best ROS 2 release yet, and to get there we need to make sure that we thoroughly test Jazzy before it is released to the general public. We also want to make sure that the ROS documentation on docs.ros.org continues to be clear, concise, and correct. That’s where we need your help! We’re looking for community volunteers to join us for our annual ROS Testing and Tutorial Party. If you are looking to start dipping your toes into ROS development this is a great place to start.

Following the Gazebo team’s successfull history of tutorial parties, and the results from last year’s Iron Irwini Tutorial Party, we’re bringing back the tutorial party of ROS 2 Jazzy Jalisco. We want to replicate for Jazzy the success we had with the Iron Irwini Testing and Tutorial Party. So, what is a testing and tutorial party you may ask? Well, it is a chance for the community to meet and systematically review all of the current ROS tutorials while also testing the latest ROS release. What we attempt to do at the party is to test every ROS tutorial for every “flavor” of ROS user, or in other words, every combination of operating system (Ubuntu Linux, RedHat Linux, Windows, etc.), RMW implementation (FastDDS, Cyclone DDS, etc.), installation method, and CPU architecture (amd64, aarch64, etc.).

Now that we’ve frozen the Jazzy release, the core developer team is working on generating a set of “early release” binary and source packages for Jazzy Jalisco. We plan to make these pre-release binaries publicly available before the Testing and Tutorial Party. During the party we’ll release our testing repository with a long list of tests we would like to run on the testing version of Jazzy Jalisco. These tests will first ask contributors to pick a particular release “setup”, and then run either the test suite or work through one or more of the existing ROS 2 tutorials on docs.ros.org. Each “setup” is a specific combination of RMW vendor (FastDDS/Cyclone DDS/Connext DDS), build type (binary tarball/packages/source), host operating system (Ubuntu Nobel/RHEL-9/Windows), and architecture (amd64/aarch64). For each setup, we would like to perform a number of tests that validate our tutorials, core ROS functionality, and important features. With dozens possible setup configurations, testing each and every one internally just isn’t feasible. To ensure reproducibility of the tests it’s also valuable to get multiple evaluations of each test, which is why we need your help!

Tutorial party participants are asked to perform the tests they sign up for and report back the results. If you happen to find an issue or bug while participating in the tutorial party you’ll need to report it to us so it can get corrected before the Jazzy release.

We are planning to kick-off the tutorial party off at 2024-05-01T16:00:00Z UTC with a meeting where we explain the whole Testing and Tutorial Party Process. That meeting can be found on the OSRF Official Events Calendar. We’ll record the meeting and post instructions on Discourse for those who can’t make the meeting. To help motivate participants, we will be giving away ROS Jazzy Jalisco swag to the testers who complete the most tests during the tutorial party. Every time you complete a test or tutorial you will need to close the Github issue, and then fill out a short Google form. The Testing and Tutorial party participants with the most completed tests during the tutorial party will receive a credit to Zazzle to pick out some Jazzy swag. We’ll post more details about the tutorial party in about two weeks when we kick things off. For now, we’re outlining a rough sequence of events so everyone can set aside some time to participate. Here are the key dates you’ll want to remember:

We have added these events to the OSRF Official Events Calendar, but the big one that you won’t want to miss is the kick-off event on 2024-05-01T16:00:00Z UTC. At this tutorial party kickoff meeting we’ll walk everyone through the steps involved in participation. In the meantime we would like your help spreading the word about the Testing and Tutorial Party. We hope to see you there on May 1st!

Finally, if you would like to help support Open Robotics, and events like these, consider making a donation or joining the OSRA.

25 posts - 11 participants

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[WWW] https://discourse.ros.org/t/save-the-date-jazzy-jalisco-testing-and-tutorial-party-2024-05-01/37155

ROS Discourse General: Freeze of ROS 2 Base Packages, Upcoming Branch, and Tutorial Party for Jazzy Jalisco

Hello everyone,

:snowflake: :snowflake: :snowflake:
As we reach the end of today 15 April 2024 (2359 PST), all rolling branches on all ROS 2 base packages will be frozen . This is to branch into jazzy from rolling in preparation for the the upcoming release on 23rd May.

We will begin branching into jazzy over the course of this week to help ensure that the jazzy pre-release packages are available for testing during the Tutorial Party (as we did for the Iron Tutorial Party), this time happening on 1st of May. On that note, we hope to get even more community members to partake in the tutorial party and support the testing efforts!

Kind request to all base package maintainers to enforce the freeze after today by no longer merging any changes into rolling until further notice. Once the branching is complete, we will unfreeze rolling so that feature and API changes can be merged in once again. Stay tuned for that announcement on Discourse.

You may find more information on the Jazzy Jalisco release timeline here: ROS 2 Jazzy Jalisco (codename ‘jazzy’; May, 2024) .

3 posts - 2 participants

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[WWW] https://discourse.ros.org/t/freeze-of-ros-2-base-packages-upcoming-branch-and-tutorial-party-for-jazzy-jalisco/37191

2024-05-04 12:29