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@Jose Luis Sanchez-Lopez@

Researcher and PhD Student in Robotics.

Computer Vision Group of the Centre for Automation and Robotics, CSIC-UPM, Madrid (Spain).

Currently in a research stay at Robotics and Interactions Team of the LAAS, CNRS, Toulouse (France).

Contact and Information

Email: <joselusl AT SPAMFREE hotmail DOT com>




Google Scholar

Brief CV

I obtained my Industrial Engineering Degree (5 year program) in Nov. 2010 at Technical University of Madrid (UPM). In Oct. 2012, I obtained a MSc. in Robotics at the same university. I started my doctoral studies in the same university in 2012. I am planning to finish my PhD studies by the end of 2016. I did a research stay between July. 2012 and December 2012 at ASTRIL-ASU, Arizona (USA); an two research stays at RIS, LAAS-CNRS, Sep. 2014-Dec.2014 and Nov. 2015-Currently.

Research Interests

Aerial Robotics, Multirotors, Autonomous Multi-Robot Systems, State Estimation, Computer Vision and Machine Learning.


2024-07-20 12:35