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Care-O-bot environment (Gazebo and Rviz)


Run the Care-O-bot Simulator Gazebo, you have the instructions in cob_bringup_sim

NOTE: Gazebo has high hardware requirements. Normally you see no real time. If you have problems to run gazebo you can look to Gazebo troubleshooting. You can change the view in the simulator.

Some basic view controls in Gazebo:

For example you can try to look at the backside of Care-O-bot.



RVIZ is a program that visualises additional views to the robot e.g. the original images from the camera, the path where the Care-O-bot is moving to and many more. You can add your own items to RVIZ to visualise topics.

rosrun rviz rviz


You can view the different ros topics that the Care-O-bot publishes. For example you can see the map topic. The white space in the map shows the reachable locations where the robot can move to, the walls are represented in black and grey stands for unknown space. The bottom gap in the map represent the white couch where the robot can't move to.


Use the 2D Nav Goal button in RVIZ and select a point on the map where to robot should move to. NOTE: The navigation you are using in this example doesn't care about obstacles, so if you command the robot to drive against an obasacle (e.g. the sofa) the robot will collide with it.

2024-10-05 12:52