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  1. Overview
  2. Usage


This package contains the the urdf, meshes and other files needed to create the rb1_base description. The package has the following folders:

- launch: In this folder you will find the launch files ready to be executed

- meshes: In this folder you will find the STL files of the different parts of the robots

- robots: In this folder you will find the final description of the robot, where all the parts are integrated

- urdf: Here you will find the different possible parts of the robot. Each one is a xacro file that will be included in the final description


To view and manipulate the non-fixed joints in rviz, install the package and execute the following command:

roslaunch rb1_base_description rb1_base_rviz.launch

On the other hand, if you are using either the simulation or the real robot you will have to execute the following command:

roslaunch rb1_base_description rb1_base_state.launch

In case you want to change the robot's urdf, this can be found inside the robots folder.

2024-07-20 13:25