API review
Proposer: Bhaskara Marthi
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Question / concerns / comments
This is a review for the roslisp package. Please review the api as described in the overview. Please also leave your email address to be part of any following discussion.
The C++ implementation has moved onto using multiple NodeHandles in a process (instead of one node per process). My preference is that roslisp use this model too.
[Bhaskara] The main use for multiple NodeHandles in roscpp seems to be to put parts of the code into a namespace. Roslisp doesn't explicitly use node handles, but as suggested below, we could have a special variable (and a helper macro) to deal with this. In the example below, the first call to do-stuff would happen in namespace foo, and the second to do-more-stuff would happen in foo/bar
(in-namespace "foo" (do-stuff) (in-namespace "bar" (do-more-stuff)))
... this is now ticketed at https://code.ros.org/trac/ros/ticket/2897
- "Every topic gets its own thread": Why? This is different from both roscpp and rospy.
[Bhaskara] Because that was simplest to implement
I'm inclined to put off changing this until we see cases where it's a performance issue.
- Is there a way to unregister subscriptions?
[Bhaskara] No; I'll add that. https://code.ros.org/trac/ros/ticket/2898
- What data types are used for array parameters and for hash parameters?
[Bhaskara] Lists and s-xml-rpc:xml-rpc-struct respectively. I added documentation for this on the overview page.
N. Dantam
- Agree that multiple nodes per process would be good. I think most people tend to do lisp development using a single long-running image. In going through the ROSLisp docs previously, there seemed to be some assumption that the user would be starting and stopping multiple short-lived lisp images from the shell; personally, I never do this. It would be much more convenient to put all ROS nodes in a single image you can access through one SLIME session.
- [Bhaskara] Having multiple ros nodes (rather than just node handles of the same node) would be a fairly major change, so probably shouldn't be added to C-Turtle at this stage. But I'd be open to adding it to Diamondback or E. Do you have any suggestions for what the syntax would be?
- [ntd] If you allow multiple node handles, then each handle could have a reference to the node it belongs to. START-ROS-NODE could return a node value and maybe create a default handle. You could have a (CREATE-NODE-HANDLE NODE) function to make more handles. Keeping the current node handle in a special variable is probably easiest. Note that in SBCL, special variables are thread local.
I created a ticket to keep track of this at https://code.ros.org/trac/ros/ticket/2896
- [ntd] If you allow multiple node handles, then each handle could have a reference to the node it belongs to. START-ROS-NODE could return a node value and maybe create a default handle. You could have a (CREATE-NODE-HANDLE NODE) function to make more handles. Keeping the current node handle in a special variable is probably easiest. Note that in SBCL, special variables are thread local.
- [Bhaskara] Having multiple ros nodes (rather than just node handles of the same node) would be a fairly major change, so probably shouldn't be added to C-Turtle at this stage. But I'd be open to adding it to Diamondback or E. Do you have any suggestions for what the syntax would be?
- Could use a special variable for the node handle to avoid having to deal with an explicit parameter.
- [Bhaskara] Yes, that might be good. See above.
- For calling services, it might be nice to be able to pass in a continuation to be invoked when the remote call returns.
- [Bhaskara] Could you give an example?
- [ntd]
- [Bhaskara] Could you give an example?
(call-service-with-continuation (lambda (x) (foo x)) service-handle :arg1 42 :arg2 24)
- ... [ntd] This would return immediately, and the ROS runtime would call the continuation when the RPC call returns.
- [Bhaskara] I'm inclined to hold off on this, because we're moving towards using actions rather than services, especially when the call is likely to take any significant amount of time.
- How is WITH-FIELDS different from WITH-SLOTS?
- Why use MAKE-MSG which takes a string for message type instead of MAKE-INSTANCE which takes a symbol?
- Suggest that you do not reinvent parts of the language unless absolutely necessary.
[Bhaskara] So initially all there was was make-instance and slot accessors and with-slots rather than make-msg and with-fields. But I found myself having to do things like
(setq m (make-instance '<geometry_msgs-msg:PoseStamped> :pose (make-instance '<geometry_msgs-msg:Pose> :orientation (make-instance '<geometry_msgs-msg:Quaternion> :w 1))))
... just to send a navigation goal, and similarly for extracting fields from messages. make-msg was to be able to replace the above by:
(setq m (make-msg "geometry_msgs/PoseStamped" (:w :orientation :pose) 1))
... Given that ros messages tend to have a lot of nesting, constructs to deal with that seem desirable. Having a string argument was just a convenience thing, but I could make it accept a symbol as well, in which case it would be a strict extension of make-instance. Thoughts?
- [ntd] Ah, I see what you've done now. MAKE-MSG would feel more lispy if it took a symbol argument, for whatever that's worth.
[Bhaskara] Sure, I can add that. https://code.ros.org/trac/ros/ticket/2899.
- [ntd] Ah, I see what you've done now. MAKE-MSG would feel more lispy if it took a symbol argument, for whatever that's worth.
Meeting agenda
To be filled out by proposer based on comments gathered during API review period
Package status change mark change manifest)
Action items that need to be taken.
Major issues that need to be resolved