Only released in EOL distros:
Package Summary
- Author: danielcanelhas
- License: BSD
- Source: svn
Package Summary
The sdf_tracker package
- Maintainer: Daniel Canelhas <daniel.canelhas AT oru DOT se>, Todor Stoyanov <todor.stoyanov AT oru DOT se>
- Author: Daniel Canelhas <daniel.canelhas AT oru DOT se>
- License: BSD
- Source: git (branch: upstream)
Package Summary
The sdf_tracker package
- Maintainer: Daniel Canelhas <daniel.canelhas AT oru DOT se>, Todor Stoyanov <todor.stoyanov AT oru DOT se>
- Author: Daniel Canelhas <daniel.canelhas AT oru DOT se>
- License: BSD
- Source: git (branch: release-source)
Package Summary
The sdf_tracker package
- Maintainer: Daniel Canelhas <daniel.canelhas AT oru DOT se>, Todor Stoyanov <todor.stoyanov AT oru DOT se>
- Author: Daniel Canelhas <daniel.canelhas AT oru DOT se>
- License: BSD
This package provides an implementation of the truncated Signed Distance Function tracking algorithm, proposed here.
Clone the repository and add it to your ROS_PACKAGE_PATH
export ROS_PACKAGE_PATH=/your_path/oru-ros-pkg/:$ROS_PACKAGE_PATH
The following commands should build the sdf_tracker library and the sdf_tracker_node
roscd sdf_tracker rosmake
Running the Node
Using an openNI compatible depth-sensor you can get the node up and running with:
roslaunch openni_launch openni.launch & rosrun sdf_tracker sdf_tracker_node _param1:=val1 _param2:=val2 ...etc
The parameters enable/disable certain features of the node and control the settings for the tracker. The current list of supported parameters are:
ImageWidth - int - width in pixels, default 640 (useful if you want to try QVGA or QQVGA modes)
ImageHeight - int - height in pixels, degault 480 (ditto above)
InteractiveMode - bool - you wish to display a rendering of the reconstructed model for interactive use, default true
MaxWeight - double - relates to the inertia of the model and its sensitivity to change, default 64.0
CellSize - double - length of the sides of each individual voxel, smaller voxels lead to more detail, but require more memory per cubic meter, default 0.01
GridSizeX - int - Number of voxels in the first dimension (right-left), default 256
GridSizeY - int - Number of voxels in the second dimension (up-down), default 256
GridSizeZ - int - Number of voxels in the third dimension (front-back), default 256
PositiveTruncationDistance - double - Positive value at which the distance field is clipped, in meters, default 0.1
NegativeTruncationDistance - double - Negative value at which the distance field is clipped, in meters, default -0.04. Note that this should be at least larger than the CellSize.
RobustStatisticCoefficient - double - Parametrizes a Huber weight function for the residuals. default 0.02
Regularization - double - Sets a penalty on large updates between frames, default 0.01
MinPoseChangeToFuseData - double - Ensures that the model is only updated when motion occurs. For kinect/Xtion sensors this is a good idea. Default "0.01"
ConvergenceCondition - double - If the estimated motion (described by a velocity vector) has a norm less than this, do no further iterations. Default 0.0001
MaximumRaycastSteps - int - When rendering the reconstructed model, step at most this many times along each pixel-ray before giving up. Default 12
FocalLengthX - double - focal length fx of a pinhole camera model, measured in pixels, default 520.0
FocalLengthY - double - focal length fy of a pinhole camera model, measured in pixels, default 520.0
CenterPointX - double - principal point cx of a pinhole camera model, measured in pixels, default 319.5
CenterPointY - double - principal point cy of a pinhole camera model, measured in pixels, default 239.5
Aside from these parameters which directly control the behavior of the tracker, other parameters can be set as well. These are specific to the ROS node.
depth_registered - bool - if enabled, will cause the node to listen to the depth_registered topic, default false
c_name - string - the name of the camera, default is camera.
OutputTriangles - bool - if enabled, will cause the node to call the tracker's saveTriangles() method before exiting. This will produce a file in the current directory called triangles.obj, generated using the marching tetrahedrons algorithm. Default false.
OutputVolume - bool - if enabled, will cause the node to call the tracker's saveSDF method before exiting. This will produce a file in the current directory called sdf_volume.vti. This file can later be loaded using the loadSDF method. vti files can be opened using Paraview. Default false.
LoadVolume - string - Provide the filename (e.g. "sdf_volume.vti") of the VTK image file containing an sdf volume that should be loaded at start. Default "none".
UseTexture - bool - included for convenience. Edit the rgbCallback function to do something fun. Default false.
An example:
rosrun sdf_tracker sdf_tracker_node _c_name:="camera2" _depth_registered:="true" _OutputTriangles:="true" _CellSize:=0.02 _GridSizeX:=300
This will start the node, listening to /camera2/depth_registered/image, using a voxel-size of 2cm in a grid of 300x256x256. Triangles will be dumped to "triangles.obj" at the end of execution, which can be viewed in meshlab.
Initial pose
The initial starting point of the camera is at the center of the specified volume, looking along the z-axis. To change the initial camera pose, relative to the volume set the pose_offset parameter of the SDF_Parameter class and pass this to the constructor when initializing your SDFTracker, e.g.,
1 //Parameters for an SDFtracker object
2 SDF_Parameters myParameters;
4 //Pose Offset as a transformation matrix
5 Eigen::Matrix4d initialTransformation =
6 Eigen::MatrixXd::Identity(4,4);
8 //define translation offsets in x y z
9 initialTransformation(0,3) = 0.5; //x
10 initialTransformation(1,3) = 0.3; //y
11 initialTransformation(2,3) = -1.4; //z
13 myParameters.pose_offset = initialTransformation;
15 //create the tracker object
16 SDFTracker myTracker(myParameters);
In the interactive mode, pressing q or <ESC> sets a flag to notify the node that it's time to shut down. Terminating the program with ctrl-C works, but will not output triangles.
If interactive mode is not enabled, you will need to find some other way of deciding when to stop running the program.