work in progress
<scene_state> element
The state element describes the basic state of a corresponding URDF scene.
Here is an example of a scene state element:
1 <scene_state scene="pr2_with_table" time_stamp="0.0">
2 <entity_state model="prj">
3 <parent frame="world"/>
4 <origin xyz="0 0 0" rpy="0 0 0"/>
5 <twist linear="0 0 0" angular="0 0 0"/> <!-- see documentation -->
6 </entity_state>
8 <entity_state model="table">
9 <parent frame="world"/>
10 <origin xyz="1 0 0" rpy="0 0 0"/>
11 <twist linear="0 0 0" angular="0 0 0"/> <!-- see documentaiton -->
12 </entity_state>
13 </scene_state>
Scene State
scene (required) (string)
The name of the scene in corresponding scene.
time_stamp (required) (float) (sec)
- Time stamp of this state in seconds.
<entity_state> (optional) (string)
model (required) (string)
- The name of the model this state refers to.
<parent> (required) (string)
- The name of the link or frame this state is defined in.
<origin> (optional: defaults to identity if not specified)
- This is the pose of the entity, relative to the parent reference frame.
xyz (optional: defaults to zero vector)
Represents the
rpy (optional: defaults to identity if not specified)
- Represents the fixed axis roll, pitch and yaw angles in radians.
<twist> (optional: defaults to zeros if not specified)
- This is the twist of the entity. The reference point of this twist is the origin of the entity. The reference frame of this twist is the parent frame.
linear (optional: defaults to zero vector)
- Represents the linear velocities of the entity.
angular (optional: defaults to zeros if not specified)
- Represents the instantaneous roll, pitch, yaw angular rates in radians defined in the parent frame.