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Only released in EOL distros:  

hrl_hardware_drivers: force_torque | hrl_hokuyo | hrl_segway_omni | hrl_tilting_hokuyo | pan_tilt_robotis | phantom_omni | robotis | zenither

Package Summary

Code to combine two Robotis servos to form a Pan Tilt Unit (for a stereo camera.)


  1. Usage


 cd src/pan_tilt_robotis
 python pan_tilt.py -h

The output will be:

Usage: pan_tilt.py [options]

  -h, --help         show this help message and exit
  -d SERVO_DEV_NAME  servo device string. [default= /dev/robot/pan_tilt0]
  --pan_id=PAN_ID    id of the pan servo
  --tilt_id=TILT_ID  id of the tilt servo
  --pan=PAN          pan angle (degrees).
  --tilt=TILT        tilt angle (degrees).

The pan_id and tilt_id are the servo ids of the pan and tilt Robotis servos.

2025-03-29 16:12