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Epson IMU ROS2 Driver Node

ess_sensors/g552.jpg ess_sensors/g370.jpg ess_sensors/g365.jpg


Interface Connections

UART Connection & Configuration

SPI Connection & Configuration

SPI Configuration for Timer Delays

SPI Configuration for GPIO Control

ROS2 Node

Orientation Data

Launch File

Timestamping With EXT Signal (Time Correction)

Building & Installing ROS2 Node

  1. Place this package (including folders) into a new folder within your colcon workspace src/ folder.

  2. Modify the CMakeLists.txt to select the desired Epson IMU model that is being used in the ROS2 system.

    • NOTE: You *MUST* re-build using colcon when changing IMU models or making any changes in the CMakeLists.txt

  3. From the colcon workspace folder run colcon build to build all changed ROS2 packages located in the <colcon_workspace>/src/ folder

  4. Reload the current ROS2 environment variables that may have changed after the colcon build process.
    From the <colcon_workspace>/source install/setup.bash
  5. Modify the appropriate launch file in the launch folder to set your desired IMU init parameters for the specific IMU model that you built using colcon build

    • Typically, only the imu_dout_rate & imu_filter_sel needs to be edited

Running the ROS2 Node

USB-UART Latency

Modifying *latency_timer* by *udev* mechanism

Modifying *latency_timer* by *sysfs* mechanism

Modifying *low_latency* flag using *setserial* utility

Technical Support

2024-07-20 13:20