[Documentation] [TitleIndex] [WordIndex

See Robots/Husky for instructions and tutorials.


This package provides a description for the base Husky platform. To view the model standalone, use the launcher provided by the husky_viz:

roslaunch husky_viz view_model.launch

To modify your robot's URDF, see the Customize Husky Configuration tutorial.


This package provides a description for the base Husky platform. It is included as part of the husky-robot metapackage; when the install script is used, the description launches as part of the husky-core upstart job. Please see the main Husky page for details.

To view the model standalone, use the launcher provided by the husky_viz:

roslaunch husky_viz view_model.launch


  • launch/base.urdf.rviz.launch: Allows the base URDF to be tested using rviz and joint_state_publisher

  • launch/map_empty.launch: Launches an empty Gazebo environment in Gazebo v1.0 or later

  • launch/map_empty_prefuerte.launch: Launches an empty Gazebo environment in Gazebo versions earlier than v1.0

  • launch/base.urdf.gazebo.launch: Spawns a Husky in a Gazebo v1.0 or later instance

  • launch/base.urdf.gazebo_prefuerte.launch: Spawns a Husky in a Gazebo version earlier than v1.0

2024-07-20 13:21