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sbpl_dynamic_env: demo_sbpl_dynamic_env | dynamic_obs_msgs | fake_tracking | lidar_tracking | parallel_move_base | sbpl_dynamic_env_global_planner | sbpl_dynamic_planner

Package Summary

An anytime planner for dynamic environments. It takes in a start, goal, static costmap, and predicted dynamic obstacle trajectories. It returns a safe path (x,y,theta) if one exists.


This package contains an anytime search-based planner for dynamic environments. The planner finds a collision free path (x,y,theta,time) from a start state to a goal state given a static costmap and predicted future trajectories for moving obstacles. The planner requires motion primitives to be defined which are the basic motions the robot can execute. The planner also requires the robot to be capable of waiting in place. It then searches for a path from the start to the goal using motions and waits. The planner uses a modified version of ARA* (Anytime Repairing A*) in order to provide solutions quickly.

This planner clusters contiguous blocks of timesteps for an x,y cell which have no collisions into "safe intervals". While the number of timesteps in an x,y cell is huge, the number of safe intervals tends be very small (generally on the order of the number of dynamic obstacles). The search is performed in the (x,y,theta,interval) state space instead of (x,y,theta,time) space, providing a large speed-up.

More detail about the planner can be found in this paper.

Mike Phillips and Maxim Likhachev, "SIPP: Safe Interval Path Planning for Dynamic Environments, "Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), 2011. 

How to Use

The planner is compiled as a library and can be used directly. However, unless you have a special use case, it is much easier to use the wrapper package sbpl_dynamic_env_global_planner which adheres to the nav_core::BaseGlobalPlanner interface specified in nav_core.

The motion primitive file format is the same as for sbpl except that the time resolution needs to be added on the second line of the file.

resolution_m: 0.050000
timeResolution: 0.001
numberofangles: 16
totalnumberofprimitives: 112

Some examples of this can be found in the matlab/mprim folder of the package.


The following video shows planner in use on the PR2 and in simulation.

2025-03-08 20:44