Only released in EOL distros:
Package Summary
An example of how to use teer_ros using turtlesim.
- Author: Stéphane Magnenat
- License: BSD
- Source: git (branch: master)
This package provides three examples on how to use teer with ROS. They all use turtlesim and come with launch files. A small library,, implements the common code not related to teer.
A simple turtle moving in a square. This example employs two tasks turtle1_go and turtle1_task. The first publishes turtlesim/Velocity commands every half second, while the second task takes care of following the square path.
Two turtles moving in squares of opposite directions. When turtles meet, they fall in love, forget about their doing, and dance for a while; then they become bored and get back to business. Like in the previous example, turtle move using two tasks each (turtleN_go and turtleN_wandering). In addition, a fifth task, cupidon, waits until turtles are close enough, pauses their tasks, makes them dance, and resumes their tasks afterwards.
One turtle does zigzag coverage and a second does situation awareness. When the second meets the first, it takes control of it, moves it to a certain position, and restarts its task. Like in the previous examples, the zigzag behaviour is implemented using two tasks, turtle1_go and turtle1_coverage. One novelty is the catching of the GeneratorExit exception, which allows turtle1_coverage to kill turtle1_go when killed. This provides a flexible mechanism to implement parent/child relationship between tasks. The situation-awareness behaviour is implemented using a pair of turtle2_orbit and turtle2_orbiting tasks, the latter being the task taking control of the coverage turtle (turtle 1).