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Only released in EOL distros:  

hector_quadrotor: hector_quadrotor_controller | hector_quadrotor_gazebo | hector_quadrotor_gazebo_plugins | hector_quadrotor_teleop | hector_quadrotor_urdf | hector_uav_msgs

Package Summary

hector_quadrotor_gazebo_plugins provides gazebo plugins for using quadrotors in gazebo. The hector_gazebo_ros_baro sensor plugin simulates an altimeter based on barometric pressure.

hector_quadrotor: hector_quadrotor_controller | hector_quadrotor_gazebo | hector_quadrotor_gazebo_plugins | hector_quadrotor_teleop | hector_quadrotor_urdf | hector_uav_msgs

Package Summary

hector_quadrotor_gazebo_plugins provides gazebo plugins for using quadrotors in gazebo. The hector_gazebo_ros_baro sensor plugin simulates an altimeter based on barometric pressure. hector_quadrotor_simple_controller is a simple controller allowing to command the quadrotor's velocity using a geometry_msgs/Twist message for teleoperation.

hector_quadrotor: hector_quadrotor_controller | hector_quadrotor_description | hector_quadrotor_gazebo | hector_quadrotor_gazebo_plugins | hector_quadrotor_model | hector_quadrotor_pose_estimation | hector_quadrotor_teleop | hector_uav_msgs

Package Summary

hector_quadrotor_gazebo_plugins provides gazebo plugins for using quadrotors in gazebo. The hector_gazebo_ros_baro sensor plugin simulates an altimeter based on barometric pressure. hector_quadrotor_simple_controller is a simple controller allowing to command the quadrotor's velocity using a geometry_msgs/Twist message for teleoperation.


Package Summary

hector_quadrotor_gazebo_plugins provides gazebo plugins for using quadrotors in gazebo. The hector_gazebo_ros_baro sensor plugin simulates an altimeter based on barometric pressure. hector_quadrotor_simple_controller is a simple controller allowing to command the quadrotor's velocity using a geometry_msgs/Twist message for teleoperation just by means of applying forces and torques to the model.

Package Summary

hector_quadrotor_gazebo_plugins provides gazebo plugins for using quadrotors in gazebo. The hector_gazebo_ros_baro sensor plugin simulates an altimeter based on barometric pressure. hector_quadrotor_simple_controller is a simple controller allowing to command the quadrotor's velocity using a geometry_msgs/Twist message for teleoperation just by means of applying forces and torques to the model.

Package Summary

hector_quadrotor_gazebo_plugins provides gazebo plugins for using quadrotors in gazebo. The hector_gazebo_ros_baro sensor plugin simulates an altimeter based on barometric pressure. hector_quadrotor_simple_controller is a simple controller allowing to command the quadrotor's velocity using a geometry_msgs/Twist message for teleoperation just by means of applying forces and torques to the model.

Package Summary

hector_quadrotor_gazebo_plugins provides gazebo plugins for using quadrotors in gazebo. The hector_gazebo_ros_baro sensor plugin simulates an altimeter based on barometric pressure. hector_quadrotor_simple_controller is a simple controller allowing to command the quadrotor's velocity using a geometry_msgs/Twist message for teleoperation just by means of applying forces and torques to the model.

Available Plugins

Barometer Plugin

This plugin simulates a sensor that measures the altitude of the vehicle based on barometric pressure according to the International Standard Atmosphere (ISA). See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Atmospheric_pressure for details.

Published Topics

XML Parameters


Simple Controller Plugin

The simple quadrotor plugin is a generic controller for quadrotors that enables teleoperated flying in Gazebo. PID controllers are used to control the velocities and yaw rate by calculating the necessary forces and torques acting on the body. It is called "simple controller" as it makes some assumptions that usually hold for quadrotors during hovering and non-aerobatic maneuvers.

The controller uses a cascade of two PID controllers for the horizontal movement and two separate PID controllers for the yaw rate and vertical velocity.

The plugin currently does not provide position, heading or altitude control. You can implement your own position controller on top of it.

Subscribed Topics

XML Parameters

Controller parameters

You can modify the dynamics of the controller by modifying the control parameters. See sample urdf file in https://github.com/tu-darmstadt-ros-pkg/hector_quadrotor/blob/fuerte-devel/hector_quadrotor_gazebo_plugins/urdf/quadrotor_simple_controller.urdf.xacro for details.

Controller parameters

You can modify the dynamics of the controller by modifying the control parameters. See sample urdf file in https://github.com/tu-darmstadt-ros-pkg/hector_quadrotor/blob/groovy-devel/hector_quadrotor_gazebo/urdf/quadrotor_simple_controller.gazebo.xacro for details.

Controller parameters

You can modify the dynamics of the controller by modifying the control parameters. See sample urdf file in https://github.com/tu-darmstadt-ros-pkg/hector_quadrotor/blob/hydro-devel/hector_quadrotor_gazebo/urdf/quadrotor_simple_controller.gazebo.xacro for details.

Quadrotor Propulsion Plugin / Quadrotor Aerodynamics Plugin

The propulsion and aerodynamics plugins simulate the propulsion system (motors and propellers) and drag, respectively. They take the motor voltages and the wind vector as input.

Subscribed Topics

Published Topics

XML Parameters

ROS Parameters

A bunch of parameters that describe the quadrotor model are loaded from the ROS parameter server during plugin initialization.

Matlab Compilation

The differential equations that describe the quadrotor system are implemented as Matlab scripts and compiled to C libraries using the Matlab Coder in package hector_quadrotor_model. You need a version of Matlab installed on your computer and available in the system path to compile the model. Otherwise these plugins will not be available.

2024-10-19 14:24