Only released in EOL distros:
Package Summary
Visualization module for the Prolog knowledge base. Instances in the knowledge base can be pushed to the visualization canvas, are then drawn and can be further inspected. Currently supported: Action sequences, linked to the resp. human pose sequence, as well as most objects that are relevant in the IAS kitchen.
- Author: Moritz Tenorth, Jakob Engel
- License: GPL
- Source: git (branch: HEAD)
Visualization canvas
Instances in the knowledge base can be pushed to the visualization canvas, are then drawn, and can be further inspected. Currently supported: Action sequences, linked to the resp. human pose sequence, as well as most objects that are relevant in the IAS kitchen.
The visualization is written in Processing and Java.
You can navigate the display with the following commands:
press & drag left mouse button: rotate display
press & drag right mouse button: shift display
press & drag center mouse button: zoom
- left/right arrow keys: scroll through a pose sequence
- page up/page down: quick scrolling through a pose sequence
Communication visualization applet
This is a small applet for visualizing communication that is being performed. There are two images for the sending and receiving entity that can be changed on-line plus two text fields where the query and response strings can be visualized.
The applet offers four services for changing these four fields, all of which accept a string that is either visualized or used as a file name to load an image.
comm_vis_set_left_img comm_vis_set_right_img comm_vis_set_req_text comm_vis_set_res_text
Launch with
rosrun mod_vis communication_vis
You can either call the services directly or, from within Java, use the wrapper function in the CommunicationVisApplet class:
CommunicationVisApplet.visualizeCommunication("Retrieving model...", "", null, "cop.png");
Visualization of task descriptions
See here for documentation: