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The purpose of this package is to provide tools and utilities that assist people in developing with qt and ros with a minimum of effort.

Currently it includes templates and create scripts for quickly developing qt-based ros packages.

  • roscreate-qt-pkg for quickly templating a qt-ros package.

  • Includes a master chooser as a docking element.
  • Rosbuild and catkin supported.


> sudo apt-get install ros-electric-qt-ros

or via rosinstall, add the snippet to your rosinstall file or create a new one and overlay:

- git:
    uri: https://github.com/stonier/qt_ros.git
    local-name: qt_ros
    version: electric


The purpose of this package is to provide tools and utilities that assist people in developing with qt and ros with a minimum of effort.

Currently it includes templates and create scripts for quickly developing qt-based ros packages.

  • roscreate-qt-pkg for quickly templating a qt-ros package.

  • Includes a master chooser as a docking element.
  • Rosbuild and catkin supported.


> sudo apt-get install ros-fuerte-qt-ros

For a convenient roscreate-qt-legacy-pkg script to aid in building packages, download the pip roscreate package:

> sudo apt-get install python-pip
> sudo pip install --upgrade roscreate

Alternatively if you want to rosinstall, add the snippet to your rosinstall file or create a new one and overlay:

- git:
    uri: https://github.com/stonier/qt_ros.git
    local-name: qt_ros
    version: fuerte

/!\ The master branch has been catkinized so it will not work unless doing a catkin source install. This is probably only desirable if doing mingw based cross-compiles.


Refer to the Tutorials.

Report a Bug

Use github to report bugs or request features.

2024-07-20 13:25