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See Robots/Husky for instructions and tutorials.


This package contains demo and configuration files for autonomous mapping, navigation and planning with the Husky platform. Sample integrations are provided for the navigation stack, gmapping, and frontier_exploration.

Using the demos requires a running husky_simulator instance, or a remote connection to a live Husky robot. It is recommended to run the demos on the same physical hardware as the robot or simulator, since they require low-latency pub/sub to sensor and control topics. See the Robots/Husky for individual demo instructions.


This package is based on the turtlebot_navigation package.

Getting Started

Sensor Information

Unlike the TurtleBot, Husky does not ship with a standard package. Thus, a number of transforms and topics must be made available. Namely, a transform from /odom to /base_link must be available, as must a sensor_msgs/LaserScan topic with a corresponding transform from /base_link to its frame. Sample launchfiles which provide suitable data are available in the husky_localization package.

SLAM Map Building

To build and save a map, follow the same instructions as laid out in the related TurtleBot tutorial, replacing all references to "turtlebot_navigation" with "husky_navigation".

Autonomous Navigation

To navigate around a prebuilt map, follow the same instructions as laid out in the related TurtleBot tutorial, replacing all references to "turtlebot_navigation" with "husky_navigation".

2024-07-13 13:16