Provides tools estimating robot kinematics and sensor locations. Also
provides helper libraries for capturing calibration datasets on a robot.
This stack is still very unstable. Expect many API changes.
Provides tools estimating robot kinematics and sensor locations. Also
provides helper libraries for capturing calibration datasets on a robot.
This stack is still very unstable. Expect many API changes.
This package is no longer supported, and un-related to the Indigo version of robot_calibration (which is an entirely new package.
This package is still in development, but offers calibration of a number of parameters of a robot, such as:
3D Camera intrinsics and extrinsics
Joint angle offsets
Robot frame offsets
These parameters are then inserted into an updated URDF, or updated camera configuration YAML in the case of camera intrinsics. More details are currently available in the README on the project GitHub page.
Robots-Specific Configurations
The following is a list of robot-specific configuration packages for robots using robot_calibration: