Only released in EOL distros:
Package Summary
Launch files and scripts needed to bring ROS interfaces for Nao up into a running state.
- Maintainer status: developed
- Maintainer: Séverin Lemaignan <severin.lemaignan AT epfl DOT ch>
- Author: Séverin Lemaignan
- License: BSD
- Bug / feature tracker:
- Source: git (branch: master)
Package Summary
Launch files and scripts needed to bring ROS interfaces for Nao up into a running state.
- Maintainer status: developed
- Maintainer: Séverin Lemaignan <severin.lemaignan AT epfl DOT ch>
- Author: Séverin Lemaignan
- License: BSD
- Bug / feature tracker:
- Source: git (branch: master)
Package Summary
Launch files and scripts needed to bring ROS interfaces for Nao up into a running state.
- Maintainer status: developed
- Maintainer: Séverin Lemaignan <severin.lemaignan AT epfl DOT ch>
- Author: Séverin Lemaignan
- License: BSD
- Bug / feature tracker:
- Source: git (branch: master)
Package Summary
Launch files and scripts needed to bring ROS interfaces for Nao up into a running state.
- Maintainer status: maintained
- Maintainer: Séverin Lemaignan <severin.lemaignan AT epfl DOT ch>
- Author: Séverin Lemaignan
- License: BSD
Package Summary
Launch files and scripts needed to bring ROS interfaces for Nao up into a running state.
- Maintainer status: maintained
- Maintainer: Séverin Lemaignan <severin.lemaignan AT epfl DOT ch>
- Author: Séverin Lemaignan
- License: BSD
- Bug / feature tracker:
- Source: git (branch: master)
nao_bringup contains launch and configuration files as a single-entry point for nao. The launch files are starting all basic actuators and sensor publishers in their robot specific configurations
Before starting, please make sure you meet all the required dependencies especially the packages naoqi_driver, naoqi_bridge and nao_description. You can either install the official releases via your package manager or directly clone the necessary ros packages from github.
To start the robot bringup, simply run:
$ roslaunch nao_bringup nao_full.launch nao_ip:=<robot_ip> roscore_ip:=<roscore_ip>
The first parameter gives the IP of your robot. The second paramter, the roscore IP, is the IP of the computer where the roscore is running. This is necessary since there is no roscore running on the robot. So we have to tell the robot where to find its roscore. The third parameter network_interface specifies the network interface the bridge is connected. By default, this is set to eth0. Changing this becomes important to establish a correct network connection between robot and computer, when you are connected via a different network device, such as wlan0 or vpn0 etc. In case you are not certain which device to use, verify with ifconfig and verify which network device has the correct IP.
This will start the robot's default configuration with the following publisher:
- joint_states
- tf
- top camera
- bottom camera
- left sonar
- right sonar
- microphone
Alternatively you can make use of the python SDK, which has to be installed and correctly setup in your PYTHONPATH environment variable. For more information on that, please refer to nao.
$ roslaunch nao_bringup nao_full_py.launch nao_ip:=<robot_ip> roscore_ip:=<roscore_ip>
Once this is successfully launched, you can simply open RVIZ. The bringup package provides already a rviz-config file. Simply open this configuration and you will see the robot model, tf, and the top camera.